Are you looking for an apartment or a house for sale in Mestre, Venice or surroundings?
Studio Tre snc, a real estate agency in Mestre for thirty years, is the answer to your research. Browse our Rent or Sale pages you will surely find the property that's right for you. But not only that, we offer our customers comprehensive advice and a wide range of services.
- Personalized assistance in the purchase and sale of apartments, villas, warehouses, laboratories, building and agricultural land, warehouses, garages, shops, industrial complexes
- Estimates, appraisals, exchanges
- Advice and assistance in the search and taking out of mortgage loans with the best credit institutions
- Technical and cadastral consultancy
- Available to owners and tenants
- The drafting and stipulation of the lease contract
- Cadastral surveys
- Advice on the type of contract
- Tax advice (Cedolare Secca)
- Registration of Contracts at the Revenue Agency or at our offices
- Assistance for the opening or takeover of the Light, Water, Gas Users etc.
- Emergency technical assistance to tenants (at the request of the owners)